Your Community Council typically receives notices from the City and shares those of importance to the community, most recently housing issues. Luckily, we caught this change of the Planning Commission meeting date from the Mt. Lookout Newsletter. The LCC has not taken a position on this type of housing. We'd be interested to hear from you if have thoughts; send us an email at
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Legislation Hearing & Vote NOTICE OF DATE CHANGE As previously announced, the Planning Commission was scheduled to hear and vote on the proposed Accessory Dwelling Unit legislation this Friday, 5/19. This is a public service announcement to let everyone know that the date has been changed. The new date is Friday, 6/2. The Cincinnati City Planning Commission will hold its meeting via video conference (on Zoom) only.
As a reminder, preregistration to speak is necessary. You can do so by following this link: or email Please note that persons must submit a written request to the above email address no less than 48 hours in advance of a public hearing to gain access to the meeting.
If the legislation passes the Planning Commission it will most likely be followed a week later by a hearing and vote by the City Council Equitable Growth & Housing subcommittee. The date for this meeting is Tuesday, 6/6.
Preregistration is also needed in order to speak online via a different link: You can also attend City Council and subcommittee meetings in person at 801 Plum St, Cincinnati OH, 45202, Room 300.
Members of the public may also attend the meetings by watching in real time on CitiCable or by livestreaming the meeting at If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Office of the Clerk of Council at 513-352-3246 or